
Comprehensive, evidence-based analysis of Opendoor and the iBuyer business model.

Sections: Analysis & insights | 2022 iBuyer Report | Videos | Webinars

Featured Opendoor & iBuyer videos


Articles, analysis, and reports

Deep, analytical, and timely analysis of Opendoor, Zillow, and the iBuyer business model.


2022 iBuyer Report

A 200+ slide, evidence-based look at the world of instant home buyers.

» Download the report here

iBuyer conference calls and webinars

Purchase recordings of past industry update webinars.

Zillow’s New Strategy: Insights, Implications, and Analysis was an evidence-based, 60-minute webinar on Zillow’s strategic shift to iBuying. I dived deep into the strategy, numbers, and implications of Zillow's latest move, in addition to fielding questions.

The iBuyer Intelligence Briefing was a 60-minute conference call on the latest iBuyer news, key insights, and strategic implications for the real estate industry. A deep dive to talk about what's going on and why it matters -- all with an evidence-based approach.

iBuying in Europe: Adapting a Winning Model was a behind-the-scenes, 60-minute conference call exploring the details of getting iBuying right in European markets, as well as how the model disrupts the selling and buying of homes.

My Book

Adventures in Real Estate Tech

This book is a 110-page collection of my past insights, analysis, and articles from 2016 to today. My work offers a data-rich, evidence-based analysis of real estate tech, with a healthy dosage of insights. I cover the trends that are changing the industry and the major players gaining traction around the world. The scope is global, because we all have a lot to learn no matter where we live. Note that this is a collection of published work from my blog.


Disclaimer: I analyze and report on the operations and metrics of companies in the real estate and proptech ecosystem, using publicly available facts, earnings reports, self-reported metrics, and other tangible, verifiable evidence. Sometimes I analyze companies that compete with or share a category with other companies that I consult, advise or am financially invested in. My analysis is not influenced by these working relationships and never deviates from the numbers and facts.